Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What actions should we perform?

Due to ego, we want to be great! In material world, we want to be better than others. Same tendency is applied to spiritual process.
  1. We want to follow best process. We claim our path to be best.
  2. We want to attain best state. In bhakti, it means pure devotee.
  3. We want to attain it in this life.

1. We want to follow best process. We claim our path to be best.
It is important to understand that the best process can be followed by the best people. Due to false ego, we think that we are qualified to follow best process. Our goal should be to come closer to Krishna. If we are not qualified to follow best process, then what is the use of it! We should accept a process which brings us closer to Krishna. As long as it brings us closer, it works and it is best for us. It is useless to compare various processes.

2. We want to attain best state. In bhakti, it means pure devotee.
We are dependent to Krishna's mercy to become devotee. We receive that mercy when we completely surrender to Krishna. We should be happy in whatever state Krishna keeps us in. Just aspire to remember Him, love Him and be His devotee. There is no need for external suppression. Be natural. When we want to become pure devotee, then we try to imitate pure devotees. But when we surrender to Krishna, then there is no need for imitation.

Let us take for example: sex desire. Sex desire is generated by our material mind in this body. Man's body may feel attracted to a particular women. But animals and gay men don't get attracted to same women. So, it is biological characteristic. Instead of going against our bodies biological functions, we should accept them as they are given to us by Krishna. We should try to advance from our current state considering the limitation of our body.

3. We want to attain pure bhakti in this life.

We need to understand the rarity of pure devotion. It is not cheap. It is important that we come closer to Krishna. It does not matter how much closer we come. We should not judge how long is our step. Leave that to Krishna. I don't know when I will become pure bhakti. Even if I become in millions of years, I consider it as great mercy of Krishna. When we want to attain bhakti in this life, we don't understand the value and rarity of bhakti.