Question: How can we become more deserving to receive His (Bhagavaan's, God's) grace?
Swamiji: A child is carefree about how he is. However he is, whether good or bad, his mother will love him. It is the same with God. If He loved us only if we were good, only if we were perfect, then how can He be called merciful or compassionate?
If we have money then only someone will give us a thing, then what is the big deal about what they are doing? However a child, even if he is covered in dirt, he feels he rightfully belongs to his mother and climbs into his mother's lap, filthy and covered in mud and the mother dressed in new, clean clothes simply takes the dirty child in her lap.
The main point is that if by our abilities we can attain Bhagavaan (God), then it would mean that to attain Him, we have to have abilities greater than Him. This is not possible !!! Simply impossible ! All that a child can do is cry to gain his mother's attention. He cannot become deserving of her love. Therefore, why to ask about becoming deserving? Why not simply ask for Bhagavaan Himself ? Why go a round about way that is a longer path? Why not go straight to the source?
A crucial point is, do not pay attention to yourself. Only pay attention towards God. The minute you look towards yourself, you will fall. A real devotees attention is only on God. "Hari binaa rahyo re ne jai." He cannot live without God. Therefore remember Him at all times and become intensely agitated when you forget Him.
From discourse in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji on Dec 14, 1995 at 5:30 pm
Swamiji: A child is carefree about how he is. However he is, whether good or bad, his mother will love him. It is the same with God. If He loved us only if we were good, only if we were perfect, then how can He be called merciful or compassionate?
If we have money then only someone will give us a thing, then what is the big deal about what they are doing? However a child, even if he is covered in dirt, he feels he rightfully belongs to his mother and climbs into his mother's lap, filthy and covered in mud and the mother dressed in new, clean clothes simply takes the dirty child in her lap.
The main point is that if by our abilities we can attain Bhagavaan (God), then it would mean that to attain Him, we have to have abilities greater than Him. This is not possible !!! Simply impossible ! All that a child can do is cry to gain his mother's attention. He cannot become deserving of her love. Therefore, why to ask about becoming deserving? Why not simply ask for Bhagavaan Himself ? Why go a round about way that is a longer path? Why not go straight to the source?
A crucial point is, do not pay attention to yourself. Only pay attention towards God. The minute you look towards yourself, you will fall. A real devotees attention is only on God. "Hari binaa rahyo re ne jai." He cannot live without God. Therefore remember Him at all times and become intensely agitated when you forget Him.
From discourse in Hindi by Swami Ramsukhdasji on Dec 14, 1995 at 5:30 pm
Ram Ram