We all want to be happy. We want to be peaceful. The actions we do are to make us happy and peaceful. In married life, it is not difficult for husband and wife to be happy. They need to help each other and care for each other. They need to ignore others faults. But instead of that, many couples end up fighting, blaming each other and focus on negativities. So, they end up unhappy and miserable. If we look over and examine their actions, it seems that it is easy to resolve their issues and be happy. But unfortunately, this mind gets stuck with negativities and it appears that mind really does not want to resolve the problems as if it really wants to be unhappy. But from the perspective of husband and wife, they are right and they feel that their actions are for the best of everyone. So, the situation of their mind is that it gives up water of ganga (i.e. attributes of forgiveness, caring and ignore negative in life) and desires dew drops (parihari sur sarita aas kar os kan). Instead of leading a life of happiness, they lead of life of unhappiness and also, unfortunately do a great damage to their children. Instead a satisfied, contended and simple person can lead life of happiness and peacefulness and also, bring joy in others life.
What is true in relationships also applies to our whole life! If we could control our mind and do what is right for us, we can overall be more happy and peaceful. But our mind gets obsessed and we fulfill our obsessions thinking that they will make us happy but we end up more unhappy. The qualities which help us to be more happy are those which make us better person.
- Simple mind which does not keep negative things but lets them go. It does not dwell on what makes us unhappy but ignores those thoughts.
- Forgiveness - Instead of keeping ill feeling towards those who hurt us, we should let it go and forgive. When we don't forgive, we hurt ourselves and become more unhappy.
- Living in the present moment - What has happened in the past has happened! Why it should bother us and make us unhappy now. If we really want to be happy, then we should let go of past.
- Realizing the value of peacefulness and doing what will give us peacefulness.
- Hari smaran - focus mind on Ram.
- Meditation - Naam jap.
- Saranagati to Ram.
- Exercise and sports.
- Keeping good friends and acting selflessly and caring for them.
- Keeping balance in life.