: Shree Hari:
Ram Ram
28th September, 2009, Monday, Ashwin Shukla Vijaya Dashami
Questioner : You said that reason for happiness and unhappiness is because be accept there is the other......
Swamiji: It is only our behavior, our conduct and our natural tendencies (vritti) which are problematic. Seeing favorable situations as happiness and unfavorable ones as unhappiness is where the issue lies. It is impossible that the world will become according to what is favorable to us. Therefore simply blend in with The Divine Will. Accept The Divine Will as your will (Haa mein haa milaado). In whatever situation / circumstance that comes to you, say YES ! I accept ! Whatever is ordained (vidhaan) by Bhagwaan (God) is nothing but auspicious (mangal mai). If you accept what is ordained by Bhagwaan, there will be no obstacles.
In reality, whatever comes is only auspicious (mangal mai). The entire world is nothing but a manifestion of God (Bhagwat swaroop). Besides God there is nothing else. He alone has come in all these different forms. If this is clearly understood, then you will realize "shakshaat" The Absolute Paramatma... Everything is His lila (divine play). It is us who is putting them in separate compartments - separating them as favorable and unfavorable. There is only one point, because Bhagwaan is only One. Accept this with a firm determination. There is only Paramatma. This is the ultimate lesson. Ultimate principle. Ultimate Truth. It is only Bhagwaan. In the form of animals it is Bhagwaan. In the form of birds, it is Bhagwaan.... in subtle body forms it is Bhagwaan, in gross forms it is Bhagwaan.....Bhagwaan has come in various different forms.
Be silent and whatever comes to mind is Bhagwaan (God), because in my mind only Bhagwaan will come. It is Bhagwaan (God), It is Bhagwaan. Yes! It is Bhagwaan Yes! Yes It is! and become joyful. Whatever comes, whether it be fever, illness, disease, it is Bhagwaan. If pain comes, it is Bhagwaan. If favorable or unfavorable situation comes, it is only Bhagwaan. Besides Bhagwaan there is nothing else. Bhagwaan comes in many different forms. It is Bhagwaan only. Even in many forms, it is only Bhagwaan, because Bhagwaan takes on so many different forms. Infinite forms. Look at the little sapplings, look at the tiny insects, look at all the different fruits, vegetables, different languages, people, countries etc. So many different forms Bhagwaan takes on. It is all Bhagwaan only. See Bhagwaan and become joyful. Whatever comes to your mind is all Bhagwaan. All of it. All is Bhagwaan (God). Happiness - unhappiness is Bhagwaan. In honor, in dishonor, in complaining, in fame, in defame, in successes, in failures, in all forms there is Bhagwaan. In all spiritual practices Bhagwaan has come. Bhagwaan has come is infinite different forms (anek roop roopaayaa) . "sarva yoni su kaunteya.." Bhagwaan says - I am the seed of all beings. Bhagwaan is infinite. If you start seeing in this manner, you will be greatly benefited. Simply give complete reins / full permission to Bhagwaan. Set Bhagwaan free (chutti de do Bhagwaan ko). Tell Bhagwaan, I will recognize You in any form You come. Whether it be anger, fear, fright, sickness, I will recognize You. Tell Bhagwan that in whatever form You come, it is only YOU, You and You alone. It is only One. In form of food, in form of plate, in form of cup, it is only You in the infinite forms.
It is you alone in all these different forms. If you get this, it is such an amazing thing. Best of best and worst of worst situations, is all Bhagwaan and Bhagwaan alone. You and You alone. "Tu Hi Hai, Tu Hi Hai, Jo kuch hai, so tuhin hai.".... "It is You and You alone, Whatever is, it is all only You". It is You ! It is You ! It is You ! Whatever Is, It is all You ! What a Divine play (lila) it is. It is transcendental (alaukik). Only His Divine Play (lila) is happening. Respect, name, fame ... all this is a divine play (lila). You alone have become all. You have become everything and now it is called the world... It is You; It is You; It is You. Prabhu ! Prabhu ! Prabhu !
It is You ! It is You ! It is You! It is You ! ... It is You You You !!! You in all these forms ! It is You Prabhu ! Prabhu ! Prabhu ! ... You You You You .... In all these various forms It is You, It is You... YOU !
Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Siyaavar Raamchandra ki Jai, Mor mukut bansi waale ki Jai !
From Discourse in Hindi on Nov 3, 2001 at 3:00 pm by Swami Ramsukhdasji.
Ram Ram
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